How To Tell The Age Of My Remington 1100 (Ultimate Guide)

The Remington Model 1100 is a renowned semi-automatic shotgun, manufactured by Remington Arms. Since its introduction in 1963, the Remington 1100 has become one of the most popular shotguns in the world.

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Remington 1100

If you own one of these firearms, determining its age can be an intriguing journey into its history and manufacturing details.

In this article, we’ll explore various methods to ascertain the age of your Remington 1100.

How To Tell Age of Remington

Serial Numbers: The Key

Introduction to Serial Numbers

Serial numbers on Remington firearms offer vital clues to their age. The company uses specific coding that can reveal the year of manufacture.

Finding the Serial Number

The serial number is usually found on the left side of the receiver. You may need a magnifying glass to read it if the engraving has faded over time.

Remington 1100 Serial Number
  1. Locate the Serial Number: Look for the serial number on the left side of the receiver. You might need good lighting or a magnifying glass to see it properly.
  2. Check for Engraving: Sometimes, the serial number is engraved rather than stamped. If it’s an older model, it might have faded, so inspect carefully.
  3. Note Down the Number: Write down the serial number accurately, as you’ll need it for further research.

Decoding the Serial Number

The code typically consists of letters and numbers. The letter(s) at the beginning often represent the month and year of production.

  1. Understanding the Code: The serial number code typically contains letters and numbers. These can indicate the month and year of production.
  2. Check Reference Guides: Various reference guides and books are available that provide serial number decoding information.
  3. Online Research: Some websites are dedicated to helping owners find information based on serial numbers. Ensure to use a reputable source to avoid misinformation.
  4. Consult Experts: If you still have trouble decoding the serial number, consider consulting gunsmiths or collectors who specialize in Remington firearms.
  5. Consider Variations: Remember, variations in models may affect the serial number. Keep an eye on such details to avoid confusion.

Online Tools and Resources

There are online tools and databases where you can input the serial number to find the manufacturing year. Always ensure to use reputable sources.

  1. Online Databases: Various online databases specialize in firearm serial numbers. These tools can be handy for quick information.
  2. User Forums: Gun enthusiasts often participate in forums and can offer guidance based on personal experience.
  3. Manufacturer’s Website: Sometimes, the manufacturer’s website has resources for identifying guns by serial numbers.
  4. Verify Information: Always verify the information through multiple sources, as online tools might not be 100% accurate.
  5. Utilize Free and Paid Tools: While many tools are free, some paid services provide more detailed information.

Contacting Remington Directly

In some cases, you might need to contact Remington directly. They have historical archives that can help in identifying the specific year of your firearm.

  1. Customer Service: Remington’s customer service department may assist in identifying the age of your firearm.
  2. Archival Information: Remington keeps detailed records that can offer insights into older models.
  3. Provide All Necessary Details: When contacting Remington, provide all necessary details, including the serial number and any other identifying marks.
  4. Wait for Verification: Verification might take some time, so patience is necessary.
  5. Consider a Written Request: In some instances, a written request may be required to obtain specific information.
Remington 1100

Visual Inspection: Signs of Age

Barrel Markings

Barrel markings can provide clues about the age of your Remington 1100. Different markings may represent different periods of manufacturing.

Finish and Materials

The type of finish and materials used in the construction can also reveal information about the era in which it was made.

Remington 1100 Material

Modifications and Customizations

Keep an eye out for modifications and customizations that may have been made after the original manufacturing date. These could alter your understanding of its age.

Consulting Experts: Seek Professional Guidance


Local gunsmiths with experience in vintage firearms can be an excellent resource for dating your Remington 1100.

Remington 1100 Gunsmiths
  1. Find Experienced Gunsmiths: Not all gunsmiths have experience with vintage firearms, so seek those with specific knowledge of Remington 1100.
  2. Ask for Recommendations: Fellow gun enthusiasts may recommend skilled gunsmiths in your area.
  3. Prepare for Costs: Professional evaluations may incur costs, so be prepared for this.
  4. Provide Complete Information: Provide the gunsmith with all known information about your Remington 1100 to help them make an accurate assessment.
  5. Consider a Written Report: If needed, ask for a written report detailing their findings.

Collectors and Enthusiasts

Gun collectors and enthusiasts often have vast knowledge about specific models and their history.

Firearms Museums and Historians

You might also consider contacting firearms museums or historians specializing in firearms. Their expertise could provide valuable insights into the age of your Remington 1100.

Where is the date code on a Remington 1100?

The date code on a Remington 1100 is typically found on the left side of the barrel, near the frame.

date code on a Remington 1100

The code will consist of a series of letters and/or numbers, which can be decoded to reveal the gun’s manufacturing date.

You may need a magnifying glass to read it if the engraving has faded, and referencing Remington’s date code chart or consulting an expert might be necessary to interpret the code correctly.

How old is the Remington Model 1100?

The Remington Model 1100 was first introduced in 1963. Its age will depend on the specific manufacturing date of your particular shotgun.

Remington Model 1100 Old model 1964

By using the date code as mentioned above, along with other visual clues and possibly consulting experts, you can determine the precise age of your Remington 1100.

If you have a specific serial number or other identifying information, you may be able to pinpoint the exact year of manufacture.


Determining the age of a Remington 1100 shotgun can be a fascinating process, involving a blend of detective work, historical research, and sometimes even professional guidance.

By following the above guidelines, you can unearth the story behind your shotgun and connect with a piece of firearms history.

Whether for curiosity, collection, or restoration purposes, knowing the age of your Remington 1100 will undoubtedly enhance your appreciation of this classic firearm.

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